Archive for December, 2009

Sunday Stills – Odds & Ends

Posted in Uncategorized on December 27, 2009 by TheEggGatherer

Gosh, it’s been a long time since I’ve done a Sunday Still, but when I saw the theme for this week I had to post.  I have many, many ODDS in my archives, so this could be a very looooong post.  No, I’m just kidding, I’ve pared it down to just a few – hope your enjoy.

This is some of the snow that we had earlier in the week.

My first seed catalog  for the coming year’s gardens.

A bobber caught on an electric wire.

The flying pig statue at the Greater Cincinnati Airport.  I think he/she’s really cute.

OK, the last three pictures are of a knot on the side of a tree.  Doesn’t take much to catch my attention.

A bolt on an old farm wagon and my wine cork collection. 

That’s my odds and ends for the year of 2009.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, are enjoying their families and will have the best new year ever.

Check out the other Odds & Ends at:

Hello, HELLO, tap-tap-tap, anybody out there?

Posted in Uncategorized on December 7, 2009 by TheEggGatherer

Hi Folks!  Well, I’m still around – I think.  I hope I have all of my computer/blog problems worked out.  I wish I could say that about me – I’m sitting here in front of the puter with a cup of hot ginger tea, a bottle of Robotussin, a roll of toilet paper(it’s easier to carry around than a box of tissue), a giant economy size can of Lysol spray, the heating pad on the floor under my feet and a quilt around my shoulders.  Do you feel sorry for yet?  Oh, and by the way, it’s snowing outside.  I’ve fought with the blog site for 2 weeks now and was just about to give up and start working on a new one at another site, but I think I have things worked out now.  We’ll see when I begin to post pictures.  OK, the pity party is over.

A couple weeks ago I took a walk around the yard and snapped some pictures of a few of the last lingering flowers that were still hanging on.  This is my 4th of July rose with a few rain drops on it.

I wish I could keep it all winter long – look at all those rosehips.  I may have to use them for winter decorations around the house.

A few lonely mums remain in the barrel on the kitchen porch.  Actually, this was their second blooming of the fall.

A lonely pear, it has a small blemish, but that’s ok, none of us are perfect.  The squirrel, yellow jackets and the chickens have enjoyed them this year.  We had a very good crop and probably won’t have another for a couple of years.  They tasted best straight from the tree.

It’s still not cold enough to stop the moles from working in the yard.  We found piles of dirt here and there as we strolled around.  We also discovered a few other “piles” – you know, dogs, chickens, deer, racoon, possum, and whatever else decides to romp through the yard.  I think we have a big “ANIMAL TOILET” sign somewhere on our property, I just haven’ found it yet.  When I do, I’m going to point it in another direction.

A few other discoveries while on our outing was Miss Priss and her entourage of followers.  They still come to visit us even though Mr. & Mrs. Carpenter are home.  We don’t mind.  They have made a nest in our barn in the bales of straw and leave us an egg or two ever so often.  I had to call Mrs. Carpenter a few weeks ago to let her know that they weren’t laying less, just laying them in my barn – you know, finders keepers……..,mmmmmmm fresh eggs – I’ll be back in a bit, going to the barn and open the door so they can get in. 

Our next stop was to see the hydrangea – oak leaf – is my favorite because of the beautiful color they give you in the fall months.  They still have the dried creamy bloom from summer and then the red, russets and greens of fall. 

 By the time we made our rounds it was time to go inside for a cup of hot tea.  Tully’s toes were getting cold and my fingers were more than cold.  Inside we settled into our favorite chair to cuddle and get warm.  The Christmas Cactus was just beginning to bloom.  This poor little potted plant was a cheapy from the ‘after Christmas sales’ last year.  I hate to tell you this, but it’s in the same little cramped pot that I bought it in.  It got neglected a lot during the past year but it’s very forgiving.  I bought a pretty new pot to plant it in, but instead I just sat the cheapo plastic pot inside.  Here’s what it looked like the last week of November and again just a day ago.  This is the only houseplant that I’ve ever been able to keep a whole year.  I’m either improving or I’ve found the miracle plant.  I’d say it was the latter!

I’m heading for the barn to see if the hens left me any eggs for lunch.

Later, the egg gatherer
