Archive for Rocky Fork Lake

Snow, Snow & More Ssssnnnnooow!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on February 12, 2010 by TheEggGatherer

Well, what else should we expect?  It’s almost the middle of February.  It’s winter!  We’ve had two snow storms here in Southern Ohio in 5 days.  It has taken me a few days to get my head un-snow-logged, but my body is still frozen to the core.    

I’m really looking forward to spring, but for now, it’s still turtlenecks, insulated underwear, wool socks and quilts in every chair and couch in the house.  Oh yes, and the heating pad at the ready.  I’m even thinking of bringing the other one out of the linen closet to use on my feet.  Even spring and summer weather doesn’t warm them up. 


In the beginning….God created the heavens and the earth.  OK, that’s another beginning, but He did create the snow also and it began to fall about 5:30 last Friday evening…and it fell and fell and fell……….

…and about an hour and half later, this is what it looked like from my kitchen door.  I’m a fair-weather photographer, especially in the winter.  It continued like this until Saturday afternoon with a few slow times in between.

Sunday morning the sun was shining and it was beautiful but cold.  We thought it was a good day to take a drive around the lake and get Tully out  to have some fun in the snow.

Our first stop was Fisherman’s Wharf.  This is the road down to the wharf at Rocky Fork Lake.  The sun doesn’t shine in this area much because of all the trees and with the snow weighing them down it’s like driving through a tunnel.  At the end the sun was shining bright on the snow-covered lake.

We had stopped at several other places, so Tully was ready to get out and stretch his legs and romp through the snow.  It was almost as deep as he is tall. 

It must have been all the snow and the water, even though it was frozen, but he just couldn’t wait any longer.  Remember, don’t eat the yellow snow.

We made our way to the lake restaurant, to bad they aren’t open any more.  I could have used a cup of coffee or hot chocolate about then.  The geese enjoyed being able to walk across the lake on the frozen water.  There were hundreds of them.  As much as I hate the mess the make of our lake grounds in the summer, they are beautiful.

Our next stop was at the remains of the old McCoppin’s Mill.

We’re off again – to the inlets, that’s what we’ve always called them.  When Beany was little, he and I would go fishing early of a morning almost everyday during the summer and this what we named this area.  On the way to the inlets we pulled over and stopped for a few more photos.  The sky was so bright blue and the sun was just right for this one.  Now we see the geese from the opposite side of the lake.

Next stop – the Rocky Fork Dam, but wait, there’s an old red barn off to one side of the parking lot and it looks so cozy all nestled down in the snow.  Just one more photo before making my way down to the dam.

OK, now, I tuck the camera inside my coat to make sure it doesn’t get snow-covered if I take a tumble, cross my fingers, say a prayer and step very carefully down, down, ooops, a rock ledge, better get over here next to the fence.  Oh, don’t shake it, that would be a great picture with all the snow stuck to the wire.  Easy now, whoops, that was deeper than what I expected.  Oh, no, Tully, I don’t want to play right now, find something to sniff of while I get to safety…..Oh, thank you Lord for getting me down here….Now, are you going to give me a boost back up to the parking lot and the warmth of the truck?

I love going to the dam and taking pictures.  Seeing the water rush over the dam is very energetic and exciting. 

Tully said, “That was dam fun.”  TULLY, watch your language!

 The picture below is a little out of season.  It was take this past fall from the dam while the fall colors were at their brightest.  WOW!  What a difference four months makes.

I hope you enjoyed our short  trip around the lake.  I’ll be posting more photos of our drive on Flickr, so check it out in a couple of days.  Just click the ‘more photos’ on the side of the blog.  When we returned  home it was time to get ready for the Super Bowl.  It was time to fix snacks to munch on during the game.  Take a peak at the earlier post for some photos of the salsas that we had.  Sorry to say, there’s none left!  We also had time to settle in before the next snow storm hit…………to be continued…….

Till the next time,

Sharon – TheEggGather