Archive for Douglas Pond

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My………

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on September 30, 2010 by TheEggGatherer

…….. Blogging Life! Ah ha, you thought I was going to say something bad.  Shame on you. 

Here I am, A G A I N!   How many times have I restarted this blog?  1? 2? A dozen times?  I’ve thought a lot about just letting the blog go, but as I was baking a cake yesterday, I had all kind of ideas for writing. I guess I need to cook more often – seems as though I think better, or maybe crazier, when I’m in the kitchen.  I’m sure my husband would love for me to be in the kitchen more often, so maybe I just need to rearrange my life, go through some old cookbooks and get out the fixin’s for some yummy meals so I can conjure up some ideas for my readers. 

Conjure  brings up some different thoughts – doesn’t a witch ‘conjure’ up ways to inflict pain on her enemies.  Hmmmm, I need to find my witch’s hat (some believe that I wear it ALL the time), maybe that will help me come up with some words.  Not that you all are my enemies, but maybe some role-playing would help to inspire my tired brain.  OR, maybe I just need a potion of some sort.   Naaa, I’d probably better just stick to cookin’ up stuff.  Of course, that can be taken a lot of different ways too.   

I make no promises.  I apologize right now for my bad language, grammar, punctuation, miss-spelled words, misplaced words, words turned dnuora sdrawkcab, words bass ackwards, etc.  Heck, sometimes I even forget to use spell check on this thing.  Enough of all this willy-nilly, I’m back and want to share some photos from my early morning ventures to Douglas Pond – actually it’s just across the road from my house, but it sounds like a long adventurous journey doesn’t it?

Good MorningFoggy Autumn Morn

I’m going to leave you with these calming early morning shots.  Please don’t give up on me, I’m trying to hang in there. 

Have  a wonderful day, I’m heading to the chicken coop.


PS-I remembered to use spell check and they have never heard of words like naaa, cookin’ , dnuora sdrawkcab, ackwards and hmmmmm.  Come to think of it, they didn’t even have witch.  HA!  That’s probably not in there either!!

Sunday Stills-Go Low, Look High

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on June 20, 2010 by TheEggGatherer

An ant’s eye view of the sky from under the purple coneflower.

The view from the ground at Douglas Pond through the morning mist.

See more Low/High photos at:

More of the misty morning shots on my flickr page:

Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads!

Snow….continued and continued – Yuck!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on February 16, 2010 by TheEggGatherer

I warned you that this would be continued, but this is ridiculous!  The snow began again about 6 am Monday morning and now it’s Tuesday morning still snowing.  We’ve had a few breaks but they say we will probably get another inch or two before it’s all over.   Yesterday we were getting 1 – 2 inches per hour at times.  We’ve gotten somewhere between 8 to 9 inches so far and that’s on top of the 12 we already had.  The Pressman had to wait for BAH (sounds like a lamb, doesn’t it-no way)to get off work yesterday evening because his little car doesn’t like the snow and neither does he.  He (BAH) was use to hopping on a bus or the subway – around here you might hitch a ride on a  cattle truck or semi – but none of those conveniences around here, just 4x4s and lots of prayers.  BTW – I have to get this off my chest – PEOPLE, please clean off your headlights, tail lights, turn them on and for heaven’s sake, give turn signals!!!   ARGH!  It’s not all that easy to stop in this stuff!  Now, I’m back to my calm and collected self.  Anyway, I had the pleasure of taking the Pressman to work this morning so that I can come home and take BAH to work this afternoon and probably pick him up sometime tonight.  I thought I had gotten rid of the job of running my kids around a long, long time ago.  I think I will call the airline and see if they have any flights to southern California – Marine, I want some of that sun you are enjoying right now.  I guess I can dream but now it’s back to reality.  The driveway is drifted in, the roads are drifted over and it’s blowing around like crazy out there.  Tully enjoys it.  He goes out and hops from snowdrift to snowdrift, does some art work in yellow and brown on them and comes in with ice balls frozen everywhere, shakes it off all over the kitchen floor and finds a quilt and makes a nest.  He’s so spoiled – just like the rest of them around here.  OK, I’ve vented enough.  In a couple of weeks I’ll be complaining about all the mud from the melted snow – I think I’ll stay in Cali for a while.  I can dream, can’t I?  Before I get too depressed I’d better post some photos.

This was the view from my kitchen window on Super Bowl Sunday.  The sun was finally shining!  Remember, I told I was a fair-weather photographer – I took this through the window in the kitchen.  If you look close you can probably see the water spots – Ha!Ha!  This was after the first round of snow on the 6th of February.  See that driveway – I didn’t think so.  We didn’t leave the house all weekend!

This was the ending to the second snow storm of the month.  Look at the size of those snowflakes.  They were beautiful.  Tully and I went for a walk and I was going to take pictures, but my battery was dead, so this is all I have to show.  This was on the 9th.

This little guy was sitting in the maple tree in the backyard the other day between storms.  Looks like a meadowlark, but I didn’t know they had that bright of color this time of year.  He hung around for a long while and I’ve seen him several times since.  Mrs. Carpenter said she had seen him around too.Tully loves playing in the snow.  Today is was over his back in places but that didn’t keep him from rooting around hunting for a mouse or two.As you can see, the sun didn’t shine and the wind began to blow, so it was time to head in for a cup of hot coffee and a nice cozy quilt.

On Friday morning we woke up to fog – fog?  It’s very cold outside.  I’m talking single digits and we have fog.  As daylight began I looked out to find the most beautiful sight I had seen in a while.  We had what is called hoar-frost on everything.  The tree branches glistened in the sunshine and it sparkled like diamonds across the front lawn or what use to be our lawn.  It was now a blanket of sparkling white diamonds.  Who could have guessed that an old green clothesline could be so pretty……….or the Rose of Sharon that I threatened to cut down last fall, but didn’t get around to it.  Look at that blue sky.  The sun was shining for the first time in a very looooooonnng time!  This is my Adam’s County rose.  Can’t wait for it to bloom this summer.  I can smell it already.  Spring…spring, where art thou?  OK, Chicken Sitter get back to reality, snap out of it.  It’s 24 degrees outside, the snow is drifted across the driveway and???? there goes a horse and buggy trotting  down the road?  Brrrrrrr!   That’s another story for another time.   The weather forecast for the weekend says – you guessed it – snow again on Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday.  Sunday night – nothing.  Monday morning – it’s here again.  Three, 3, three snow storms in 10 days. Another shot from the kitchen window.  The only thing out there is one snow plow that went by a few hours earlier and that nasty European blackbird, that I wish would go back to Europe and the snow.  That is Douglas Pond in the distance.  It’s much prettier on a sunny day, when you can see more that 100 feet in front of you. Looks a little windy out there, don’t ya think?  This was pretty much the story the rest of the day.  Now it’s just snow and blow.This is the base to my bird bath.  It’s about 30″ high and it is about 2/3 covered.  Yes, my bird bath base is still sitting outside and as you will see in the next pictures my greenery is still on my window box ledges.  They have been so pretty through the snow storms and besides, it looks so naked after you take them down.  Let’s face it, I think it’s going to be awhile before spring pokes it’s head out from under this snow.  Then comes the, oh, I hate to say this…..mud.  Please, can we just go from snow to green grass, I’d much rather mow than clean up m…u…d.  I have a hard time getting that word out.  Oh, no!  The weather is on – did I hear him say, “don’t kill the messenger”.  Did I hear him right?  Snow chances are very good for Sunday and then again on Tuesday.  They will give more information on the evening news.  I’m going to get on the couch with Tully and make him share  his quilt.  This is the end to this boring weather saga.

Later and no, I’m not going to chicken coop – it’s too darned cold.  Besides, their Mommy is home now.

Sharon – TheEggGather